Lesbians Holding Hands: A political statement?

Although very supportive, my mother occasionally lets things slip out that make me wonder how OK she really is with having a gay daughter. Most of the time I think it’s just that she wishes I wasn’t so out about it. My girlfriend and I are constantly hearing this from her, “Don’t hold hands or kiss in public. It’s just too dangerous. You don’t know what kind of sickos are out there that might want to hurt you.” While that may be true, my girlfriend and I always look at each other and say, “Let someone try something, that will be the worst day of their sorry lives.” Deep down I know my mom has a point. But her point and my point end up in different places. Her take on the situation is that there are prejudice, bigoted asses out there that are ignorant enough to be physically violent under the right circumstances, i.e., drunk or just pissed enough to see that a woman gets more and better quality pussy then they do.