
Hints for Heteros

This article has 6 comments

  1. Becca

    Love It!!!!! 🙂

  2. Rexie

    As funny as this is, it is unfortunate it is still applicable to some straight people. A shame they have to be reminded, but they do, nevertheless.

  3. Ymoinda

    It is sad that so many straights are clueless. People are people, whether gay, straight, black, white…whatever. I think it is so stupid to freak out when meeting someone different from you. Ugh!

    I love this list. It is so refreshing and is not “in your face.”

    You always come up with the coolest stuff and present it in an entertaining way. Thanks!

  4. cecilia fernandez

    🙂 right!!!!

  5. shirkie

    I propose an addendum for straight males meeting lesbians.

    A) No, it’s not that we just haven’t met the right man yet. And if that was it, the right man is definitely not YOU.

    B) No, you may not watch us have sex.

    C) No, you may not watch us have sex and then join in.

    D) No, you may not watch us have sex and then join in. (Straight men are stupid and need things repeated)

    E) No, you are not the cure for lesbianism. In fact, you may be the cause of it.

  6. Tasha

    Shirkie, that may have just made my day. I want to say that to so many guys I know.

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