
Social Networking On CCL :)


Since the comment section has become such a wonderful place for discussion, networking and support I have felt as if you have all become my friends. I can’t tell you all how much it means to me when I read some of your kind words of encouragement on those tough days. I know that I don’t always respond online, but it really does help and it feels good to know that there are so many wonderful people in the world.

I especially love the part when I see you guys supporting each other, offering advice or even flirting. I think it’s amazing that CCL has become sort of like my living room, were I to have you all over for cocktails every evening just to chat. Sometimes, no a lot of the time, I wouldn’t even have to be home! Because you guys have formed a pretty solid little core group and by now, you all know where I keep the liquor and the cheese and crackers ๐Ÿ˜‰ It makes me happy when I come back after a few days and see that the party never stopped and you all are just chatting away, maybe giving some solid advice to a young newbie or consoling one another after a hard day. Really, I love it.

But as you all know, I’m a little bit of a hermit at times and can’t always keep up with social obligations. So this is where I wanted to talk to you guys about something and please don’t anyone take this the wrong way! But from now on, as a general rule, just to make my life easier and not to upset anyone of you: I will not be exchanging emails or contact info for people behind the scenes.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love that some of you want to get to know each other off CCL. By all means, please do! And while one or two requests was no big deal in the beginning it’s starting to get overwhelming for me. I know that when you ask me to please give so and so a message for you, you might think, “It’s just this once.” Which would be true for most of you. But it’s not just one or two of you. I’ve actually had over 50 emails this last month alone from various readers (some who never comment, but read the comments religiously and want to talk privately with someone) wanting me to play matchmaker.

First of all, I suck at matchmaking. Ask Lana.

Secondly, it just gets to be too much when that many people ask me to exchange contact info with regular commenters. I can’t always find the email of the person you’re asking for buried in all the other email that CCL gets.

Third, it starts to feel as if I’m the unwilling participant in a game of telephone. Really people, it gets a little insane when two lesbians that don’t know each other are trying to flirt with one another through a third lesbian. I CAN’T TAKE THE MADNESS!!!! Lol ๐Ÿ˜‰

So I have a solution. Please pay attention.

Since I can’t make CCL a social networking site, unless there’s a web ninja out there willing to do it for trade of some sort. The best thing I can tell you is the following:

When you leave a comment, there is a place under your name, where you can put the web address of your blog, your website, your Facebook, your myspace, twitter or any other url you wish to. Then if someone wants to find you, all they have to do is click on your name (which is now a hyperlink to whatever address you put in before submitting your comment) and *voila* instant social connection!

Or you can also post your email or any info you feel comfy having the public see right in the body of your comment.

“But what if I don’t want the whole world to find me?” you may ask.

That’s easy too …. make a “fake” Facebook page with a pseudonym JUST for public consumption.You can make it private, you can put a picture of your dog or cat up as the profile pic. Whatever you want, be creative! Let it be your alter ego’s page if you want. But then you have a page to link to, and when the people you actually want to get to know contact you on there, then you guys can exchange any real info you may want at your convenience.

See? Now how easy is that???

And please don’t anyone apologize or feel bad if you’ve asked me in the past to pass along any information. I don’t mind really! I didn’t mind then and I don’t now. It’s just that I’ve fallen way behind on it and can’t even catch up and I don’t want you guys to be mad at me or think that I’m ignoring your requests! So please, PLEASE don’t feel bad or misunderstand. I just want you all to be happy and get to know each other whenever you want to! I think it’s awesome that you guys are so social!

What do you think? Can we try it this way? I’m sorry I can’t be Alice with her brilliant chart. I’m not that organized!

This article has 15 comments

  1. Elegy

    I still vote for a proboards! And I know what you mean about the hermit-ting, and then being overwhelmed (I co-admin a few places). Great suggestions, thanks. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Sasha

    Hi Elegy ๐Ÿ™‚ What’s proboards? Is it a new plugin?

  3. Elegy

    No, it’s basically a site that hosts message boards for free. The only downside (if you’re OCD or like a stream lined effect) is that I don’t think you can get the URL to say CCL/board. It may just be CCL.proboards.com or whatever name you choose.
    Example: http://support.proboards.com/

    The plus side is that it’s free, there, and customizable.

  4. Rexie

    I think you have a great idea, Sasha. If people want others to find them, then they should be proactive abd embed a URL link in their CCL user name. That’s the cleanest method of social connection here. I think maintaining another board be a bit overwhelming, and it might get WAY out of control and have a negative impact by way of association to this wonderful creation (of which you should be very proud). I am so very shy that I don’t link to a URL, because I have never mustered the courage to create a Facebook page, but I just might. I feel a certain kinship and connection with some of your readers and I might hope they feel the same and seek me out. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    So thank you for setting it straight. I am not sure you have a “Rules” section, but maybe you could post this idea somewhere on here that is easily accessible so newcomers can find it. This blog post will get buried over time, and you’ll end up where you started.

    Take care.

  5. Sasha

    Oh Rexie …. a rules section??? I like the sound of that!!!!! I’m going to do that one of these days soon ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the great idea!!

  6. Jazmenha

    Sasha- Your suggestions are good ideas – OMG “50 different emails” like that is completely insane. You’re too “cute” in putting that highlighted “please” … (in regards to those who asked for contact info in the past) for us extra ๐Ÿ™‚ sensitive readers – however ๐Ÿ™‚ since it’s been countless months since I did that and it was only one time no worries about any misunderstandings here. ๐Ÿ™‚ Plus this is your blog and you have every right to address and to request whatever works best for you as the one running your blog. That is totally understandable and completely reasonable because like I said OMG “50 requests from people for contacts in one month ” wow that is too much for anyone to deal with. Sasha side note- To be honest, I am REALLY having severe physical pain with my damn spinal myoclonus ๐Ÿ™ spreading- almost went to ER tonight/still might bc of these “spinal spasms” and their results. Just wanted to add this last sentence Sasha because my spinal spasms etc have been so horribly painful so I might not be on the computer in general for awhile because it hurts SOOOO much to sit down (driving is horrible too ๐Ÿ™ sucks). (Guess I can type standing up-smiles.) So just in case you don’t see me here for a while that’s why. I hope you are doing well Sasha and I support whatever you decide for CCL. I am so thankful you created CCL and I am so thankful for all you share and for all you do Sasha. Take care. Jaz

  7. Rexie

    Pleased and obliged to help. You might call it something other than Rules so it doesn’t sound to strict and because I am pretty sure you would never “ban” anyone unless they threatened you or are a general fuck face to you. Perhaps call Codes of Conduct, or something like that. You might make mention on there that you don’t censor comments, as well as review how it makes you feel when the comments section becomes a battleground since those posts are long past now. You’re creative and elegant and fun so I am sure you’ll come up with something perfect.

  8. Sasha

    @ Jazz, Oh no!!!! Poor dear, I’m so incredibly sorry to hear about your current health condition ๐Ÿ™ I do hope it gets better soon. I just hate it when my friends are hurting!!! *a huge hug*

  9. Rexie

    Jazmenha, not sure you are still checking this or not, but please do take care. What you are dealing with sounds like no fun at all. Sending good thoughts of healing your way!

  10. Jazmenha

    Sasha and Rexie Thanks. It has just been totally flaring up and lately especially when I sit. It is a chronic condition in my spine. I got in 7 years ago and it has been getting progressively worse and more painful. It is called spinal myoclonus. It is just my cross. I need to learn to carry it much better than I do but that isn’t always easy. Have a good New Years eve- happy and safe.

  11. young butch

    hey sasha that’s cool and jaz i’m so sorry you are not feeling well i hope you get well soon take care of your self and take it easy love to all! bye

  12. Jazmenha

    Thanks Young Butch. I JUST recently found a blogger who has my same spinal condition so that was great to find. Hope all is going well for you.

  13. Leslie

    Hey Sasha

    Sorry for posting this in yet another sectio of your website. It just seemed appropriate.

    Being tired of all the other places out there riddled with guys pretending to be women and then telling us how special their dick is, I created lesbianlexicon.org. A fully featured LESBIAN ONLY social networking and dating website. Membership is 100% Free and open to all Women who Love Women.

    Check it out at http://www.lesbianlexicon.org.

    Thanks again for the Promo. It seems kinda strange to have to promote something that is free, but I guess there is so much crap out there….

    XOXO Leslie

  14. Jazmenha

    Femmelover- I am replying to your post (from today) to me on this blog thread as not to get off topic on the other thread. Thanks for your message. Not it isn’t connected to FB. No worries, it works through blogspot. Have a good night. ๐Ÿ™‚ Jaz at http://starjazi.blogspot.com/

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